Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Art...a Peek at the Soul

I've always been told that the eyes are the window to the soul, but I believe art is as well. Viewing a person's creative efforts is like peering into their soul. I feel it's not so much that people create art that reflects who they are, although that may be true in some cases. My theory is that studying a person's art is more like seeing who/what that person IS.

Because a person enjoys drawing and painting sunflowers does not necessarily mean they have a joyous personality. Because they enjoy sketching tombstones and graveyards does not indicate they are depressed or morbid. What a person creates simply demonstates what their mind wants to express in a physical way. When we see something funny, we have cause to laugh. When we experience something sad, we feel the need to cry. When we see something that moves us, we desire to recreate it with our own hands. And sometimes the objects of our inspiration reside in our own minds and hearts. What we create---what we paint, draw and sculpt---is what we are.

The artwork in this blog is who I am. Enjoy.

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